
Yesterday, I did what all good photographers do best, exploring and taking photos. I didn’t wander too far… Just down the street to my parents house to see all the beautiful spring blooms. I snapped a few photos that you can see below. But what I really want to know, is what places YOU ALL would like to see me photograph. I’m always looking for new places to explore and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to leave me a comment and tell me where some of your favorite spots are. Also, keep in mind that I am now booking shoots (for free!) to take photos of my friends and family. If you know of anyone who may want to have their photographs taken, let them know they can reach me anytime at channingleighphotography@gmail.com or they can send me a direct message on Facebook or IG. You can check out more of my photos on my Instagram account, channingpotter. I hope you all are having a very happy hump day! The week is almost over and you’re getting very close to celebrating the weekend. Hang in there friends! Love you all. Muah!5-3-2016 Edited5-3-2016 Edited 55-3-2016 Edited 6

About channing leigh

♥amateur photographer who loves making jewelry, drawing painting, vintage sewing patterns, interior design & creating new things (esp. out of old things)♥
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