
Hi, I’m Channing, photographer. I’m a 28 year old artist trying to decide what to do with my life. I plan on going back to school at UTC this coming fall. There, I’ll be pursuing a Business degree. I fill my spare time dabbling in photography, designing and creating jewelry, drawing and painting, rummaging through vintage sewing patterns my grandfather gave me, random d.i.y. projects and now, blogging.  I could spend hours thumbing through interior decorating books and magazines.  I love creating new things out of old things and adore all that is vintage.  I use everything that I see and dream as inspiration.  When I‘m not snapping pictures, listening to music, day dreaming about far away places, or watching random documentaries, I can usually be found with my nose in a book or playing with my sweet puppy Bailey.

“I’m a bohemian, hippie, artist, designer, world traveler, writer, thinker, gardener and creator who thinks one should always strive to rise above the norm, pave their own way in life and see as much of the world as possible before they die. Knowledge is power and travel is knowledge – never cease observing the diversity on this earth.

Humans have the power to create and inspire endlessly through all aspects of life. I have created this blog not only as an outlet for my passions, but as a form of inspiration and encouragement for others – encouragement to live a unique life, articulated through art and driven by passion!”                                                                -Catherine  (Inspire Bohemia)